Wishing you all a very Bekk Christmas

Kristofer Giltvedt Selbekk
Published in
5 min readDec 1, 2020


Pandemic or not, Christmas time is a time for wonder, joy and sharing. We’re proud to introduce the second season of our beloved advent calendars — bekk.christmas 🎅

A Christmas decoration on a blue door
Photo by Erwan Hesry on Unsplash

TL;DR: We’re sharing 10 articles and a podcast episode every day until Christmas Eve!

Go to bekk.christmas to see today’s entries.

11 calendars of technology, design, strategy and innovation

Bekk is a Norwegian consultancy that merges the disciplines of technology, user experience, design, product innovation and strategy, and helps Norwegian businesses improve their products and services.

But mostly, we’re people that are really passionate about what we do. We see that every day on our company Slack, where we ask questions about challenging topics, and get tons of replies in a matter of minutes. We see that every time one of our colleagues is a featured speaker at international conferences. We see that every time we host a meetup, or a workshop, or meet students both online and on site.

We love sharing what we know, because it helps us grow. That’s why we’re continuing our great tradition of sharing some of the stuff we know every December.

This year, we’ve created 11 advent calendar sites, each with its own particular topic, and each with 24 different entries. 10 of them contain 24 articles each, and one contains a set of 24 podcast episodes. The articles will be short, to the point and will try to inspire you to learn something new every day this December.

We’re incredibly proud to share the following calendars with you this year:


Bekk ❤️ Elm. We’ve been using it for years at some of our biggest clients, we have helped organize one of the world’s greatest Elm conferences, and even help sponsor the development of Elm itself. This year, we’re sharing 24 interesting things you might not know about Elm!


JavaScript is a huge part of most of what we do today. Whether it’s through Node, Vue or React, it’s one of the most versatile languages out there. This year — which marks the third year of our JavaScript calendar — we’re diving into a bunch of topics that will help you understand this wonderful language even better.


The functional programming paradigm has been with us for decades, but has definitely seem an up-turn in interest the last couple of years. This calendar aim to teach you how to up your functional programming game in a matter of 24 days.


Kotlin has become incredibly popular the last couple of years, and is one of our favorite languages to implement advanced backends in. It’s a great language to learn, and to introduce bit-by-bit on legacy Java codebases. This year, we’re excited to share yet another 24 tips and tricks on how you can up your Kotlin game.


Product development and innovation are two of the coolest things we do at Bekk. That’s why we’re sharing 24 different conversations with entrepreneurs, innovators, specialists and strategists, each pertaining to a particular topic. Note that these podcast episodes are available in Norwegian only.


For the fourth year in a row, this calendar keeps teaching you new React tips, tricks and techniques in a small bite-sized way. We share our experiences with different tools, and help you understand how to use the world’s most popular frontend framework.


Creating secure solutions is one of the hardest challenges we’ve tasked to do. That’s why we have a dedicated group within Bekk to teach ourselves — and others — how to do it right. We’re excited to share 24 new articles about how you can do the same.


Developing modern strategies for a modern marketplace is incredibly important. Some of our best product and business strategists have sat down to share some of their best insights on how you can change your business for the better — from within.


We do a lot of talks, presentations and workshops, both for ourselves, our customers, and at external meetups and conferences. It’s not as easy at it looks — but with the right training, we believe anyone can do it. This year, we’re sharing 24 articles, listicles, tipsicles (is that a thing?) and experience reports from some of the most seasoned speakers in the business.


We were kidding about doing on-prem.christmas this year, but the cloud just makes everything so easy (and hard!) that we decided to go with the latter. This year’s cloud calendar will teach you more than you wish you knew about Kubernetes, Azure, AWS and GCP.


Last, but definitely not least, we’re continuing last year’s success of sharing the thoughts and knowledge of some of the best user experience designers we know. Look forward to learning a ton about UX, design and our experiences with our clients

A history of sharing

Sharing is something you get better at the more you do it. What has ended up as a huge project, actually started as a small project with only a single calendar back in 2016, with react.christmas setting the precedence. In 2017, three more calendars were added, and last year, a whopping 12 self-produced calendars were being featured in newsletters, podcasts and chats all over the globe. Last year alone, we’ve had close to 750.000 page views! That’s not including articles that were syndicated to other publications.

If you want to learn more, you can check out last year’s blog post, as well as the one for 2018.

Why do we do this?

To be honest, the process of creating all of this content is a pay-off in itself. Hundreds of colleagues get to work together to create a ton of content, and learn by teaching others. We get better at teaching others about our craft, at the same time we solidify our own learning through reiterating what we already know.

And — of course — we hope that you read this and level up as well. If you’re located in Oslo or Trondheim, Norway, we’re always looking for talented people. Have a look at bekk.no/jobb for more details.


If you have any questions, please get in touch at kristofer.selbekk@bekk.no, or through our social media channels.

Now, stop reading this intro blog post, and start learning some new cool stuff!

